Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PLEASE.......vote for me to get a GO CUTTER from AccuQuilt!

Now....I know ya'll r busy, but this is important for me to win the GO CUTTER from AccuQuilt through Bejeweled Barb's Blog.

Here's the link:  http://bejeweledquilts.blogspot.com/2010/06/what-stressful-daywaitingand-waitingand.html

Once you get there, then there is a little voting box in the left hand corner....just vote for ......

SEWMEOW.........SEWMEOW..........SEWMEOW.............tell everyone you know.

I've just got to win this thing!  Did you read my last blog?  Well, go vote, then come back here....


  1. Thanks for friending me on FB! I voted for you, sweetie! Hope you end up a winner. And then maybe it will be me next time. Mmwaaahahahaha!

  2. wish you luck!!!
