Thursday, February 18, 2010

Organize and Fold Your Fabric in Your Stash

I posted this video about Fabric Folding last year,  and have had a few more people want to know what I am talking about, so thought I'd share it again with everyone.

It does take a quite a bit of time to do this to  all of your fabrics in your stash, but sure helps when you are ("I just know it's in here somewhere") trying to find that certain fabric print.

Have fun and enjoy!


  1. Thank You!!! This is Just what i needed, Thanks !

  2. I watched that just last night! I use a similar method. It certainly makes my fabric fit into the drawers more easily.

  3. Thanks. Eventually when I get all of my stash folded like this and on the shelves in my closet, I will post before and after pictures.

  4. Wow! That is such a great idea. After all these years, this a way to keep everything uniform. Who knew?! A big thanks for sharing this.

  5. It's a great technique to get your fabric organized.
